Showing posts with label Search and Investigation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Search and Investigation. Show all posts

Friday, July 22, 2016

The MH370 Search Will Come To The End

9M-MRO, the missing plane at Paine Field on June 5, 2002, one month after its first flight

The search for 9M-MRO, a Boeing 777-200ER that missing on the way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing as Malaysia Airlines flight 370 will be suspended as 110,000 kilometers squares of 120,000 kilometers squares had been covered. The search will be suspended, but will not be ended. The investigators still have yet to find the missing aircraft after two years of the MH370's disappearance. Malaysia Airlines flight 370 vanished from radar screen on March 8, 2014. The satellite data shows if the plane was still flying heading to the south towards the Southern Indian Ocean and believed to run out of fuel and crashed.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Two Mysterious Debris Found in Mozambique Are Certainly From MH370

A piece of debris that is being examined as possible wreckage from Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
A debris with Rolls Royce logo

Two mysterious debris that found in Mozambique are certainly from the missing 9M-MRO, the Boeing 777-200ER aircraft that missing on 8 March 2014 en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board. The two debris were found by Blaine Gibson and Liam Lother in Mozambique. The another debris with Rolls Royce logo that found in Mozambique is now in an analysis. The debris possibly came from the engine of the missing Boeing 777-200ER.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Second Evidence?

South African teen Liam Lotter holding the debris he found on a Mozambique beach.

Liam Lother with the wreckage  

A South African teen may have discovered a piece of the missing MH370 plane while strolling on a beach in Mozambique.

Liam Lotter said he found the piece during a family vacation in the east African nation in December. 

He found a curved gray object. At first, he didn’t know what thing is that. Now, investigators will examine whether it’s from the missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370, that disappeared on 8 March 2014 with 239 people on board. Now, more object found. Will the truth reveal?

Monday, March 7, 2016

Two Years of Hope for All of Them that Perished on MH370

9M-MRO, the missing plane at Frankfurt am Main International Airport

The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight 370 is now nearly two years after 9M-MRO, the Boeing 777-200ER aircraft that operated flight 370 disappeared over South China Sea with 239 souls on board on 8 March 2014, last year. The flight was believed to crash somewhere in South China Sea. After the disappearance of MH370, search for the aircraft were held. But, the satellite data indicated after disappeared from radar screen on 01:22 Malaysian Time, the plane was kept flying toward Southern Indian Ocean and believed crash somewhere in the Southern Indian Ocean.

Search was held in Southern Indian Ocean after that. But, two years of search
did not return any results. No debris found in Southern Indian Ocean. The only evidence from flight 370 is the flaperon that found in La RĂ©union Island on 30 July 2015. Then, on 2 March 2016, a possible debris was found off the coast of Mozambique. The debris may be from Boeing 777-200ER aircraft. Now, the debris is on the way to Australia for analysis. 

After two years disappeared, there is still a hope for the aircraft to be found. Now, Rest in Peace for all those who perished onboard Malaysia Airlines flight 370, and God will give strenght and hope to all the families, relatives, and friends of the passengers and crews of flight 370.